Pact Foods

Go-to-Market Strategy

University of Chicago - Kilts Center for Marketing

Tyson Foods Marketing Case Competition


Andrew Kam - Framework Guru
Chris Zawisca - Awareness Ace
Sam Claasens - Journey Jockey
Ross Brinkman - Channel Digger


Design a product launch of Tyson's new brand: Pact

Pact Snack Bites are made from real food ingredients and natural extracts like probiotics, collagen peptides, and green tea matcha for targeted function nutrition benefits. The name "Pact" represents the promise Tyson has made with their consumers to "get the most out of food" through offerings designed for flavor and loaded with function. It's also a nod to the idea that Tyson's products are literally "packed" with goodness - overflowing with real food ingredients, optimized and proven to deliver benefits that consumer seek.

Targeted customer segment demographics provided

Timeline: 5 Days

What I Learned

In five days our group turned a short brief and a small data set into a go-to-market strategy that we are extremely proud of. Our launch campaign tackles issues ranging from emerging digital marketplaces, traditional brick & mortar, and a global pandemic. It was a phenomenal learning experience. Here are some key take-aways:

Rely on the frameworks
They exist for a reason, helping to break complex obstacles down into manageable tasks and keep us on track to realize the big picture.

Understand what you don't know
Working with such smart and talented people means you don't have to do it all. Knowing my weaknesses helped me ask for help in areas I knew others had expertise.

Commitment stems from collaboration
When we started reworking our campaign deck at 3am the morning before the pitch it was the energy our group generated from enthusiasm and ambition that carried us across the finish line.