
A Venture Into New Territory


IMA Life


Lead Designer


Cliff Krapfl - Creative Director, TEAMS
Eric Weigmann - Mechanical Engineer, TEAMS
Meghan Anderson - Graphic Designer, TEAMS
Arnab Ganguly - Scientist, Technology Manager, PhD, IMA
Dennis Posheluk - Associate Scientist, IMA
Mike Warner - Project Manager, GMAC Fabrication


For over 50 years, IMA has been providing pharmaceutical producers with the highest quality manufacturing equipment. As the industry expands, IMA looks to expand as well. Pushing into pharmaceutical and university research labs, IMA realized they needed in-depth knowledge of user experience implications and consumer product development.

IMA had recently developed an innovative and unique technology to produce high quality pharmaceutical products at a drastically reduced speed in small batches. This technology is perfectly suited for the research lab environment.

TEAMS looked to approach this as not just a product, but the ecosystem that comes along with it and the ripple effect it will have on the research and testing processes.