Hitachi GVBL

Creating a Vision


Hitachi Cooling & Heating


Lead Designer & Project Coordinator


Managing Directly:
Wankee Lee - Sr Industrial Designer
Nikhil Nair - Sr Industrial Designer
Chiayen Hseih - Manager, Interaction Design
David Ni - Intern, Interaction Design

Levente Szabo - Vice President of Design
Yaxing Huang - Strategy Director
Anita Isola - UX Researcher
Xun - UX Researcher


Hitachi Cooling & Heating’s recent acquisition by Johnson Controls has led to a revitalization within the corporation. They looked to revamp the entire product suite of their air conditioning platform, starting with a vision for the future. TEAMS pitched a Global Visual Brand Language strategy and won the project.

This was the largest project in TEAMS Global history, combining the skills and personnel of 3 international offices. I was chosen to coordinate the main team in Shanghai, moving there for 5 months.

As Lead Designer & Project Coordinator I led and organized the daily tasks of the Shanghai team, coordinated the communication between the global teams, and developed the project vision and execution with the VP of Design, Levente Szabo.