
Mobile App UX

Enhanced App Experience

This project began with a train ride in New England where I experienced some of the issues with the Amtrak app. These were then compared with competitors and substitutes, filtered through target consumer segments, and revised through an iterative design process which drew on feedback from design professionals with varying levels of UX/UI experience.

The end product enhances Amtrak's app experience through simplifying the navigation by identifying the absolutely essential customer needs and putting them at the forefront. We considered both sides of the ticket taking interaction, customer and employee, along with the experience customers have leading up to and after their trip.

Psychology of Experience

Von Restorff Effect - When multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered

Serial Position Effect - The propensity of a user to best remember the first and last items in a series

Hick's Law - The time it takes for a person to make a decision depends on the choices available to her

Principles of Design

Information v. Action - Split the screen so actionable items are closer to the hand and prioritized information is closer to the eye

One Step Philosophy - The functions with highest priority cannot be more than one step from the home page

Responsive - Status and Calls to Action must react to the situation and user input